Monday, October 13, 2008

today, reached working place had darling, saw my director. i was so shocked and unlucky. work is as per normal, boring. went lunch with both asst manager with both the same name but different department. they started talking about kids which is not my topic. kept silent listening to their conversation. we had burmurese food for lunch. the set lunch is so worth. will try it again next time. after lunch had a kinda long chat with asst manager. told her about my previous job experience and stuffs. her advise was good. hope to dine lunch with her more often. went off at 6.05pm, saw director again and with my darling on. im so unlucky. reached ang mo kio around 6.40pm. went to get my shampoo. walked down to ang mo kio hub. saw a fight going on outside macdonald. I WAS SO KIND OF IDIOT. walk in between the fight and no one dares to walk over. im the damn idiot one who dares to walk over. bought fries and apple pies home. bused home and the journey was long.
tears seems uncontrollable rolling down my cheeks when im listening my ipod songs. i really hate myself behaving like that. just simply hate it.

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